Messages from UN

The appeal, “Revert to the original teachings of Lord Buddha” of Nenbutsushu Buddhist Sect of Japan, was spread widely and the participating countries increased from 14 of the First Buddhist Summit to 23 at the Second Buddhist Summit and to 32 countries from the 5 continents at the Fifth Buddhist Summit.
Buddhist Summit, which is now a large international Buddhist conference, has received many congratulatory messages and letters of appreciation from all over the world. Successive Secretary Generals of the United Nations have sent their goodwill messages to Buddhist Summit. In his goodwill message sent to the Fifth Buddhist Summit, H.E. Ban Ki-moon, current Secretary General of the United Nations, referred to Buddhist Summit as “
an important partner for the United Nations
” by stating, “
I am counting on your contribution as we pursue our common goals.
the message of H.E. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of the UN. )

United Nations
Goodwill messages sent to the Fourth Buddhist Summit
from H.E. Kofi A. Annan, Secretary General of U.N.
(His Excellency sent his goodwill messages at the Second and the Third Buddhist Summit, too.)
Letter from H.E. President Barack H. Obama of USA