The Sixth Buddhist Summit
World Buddhist Supreme Conference

The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism, the sacred place for the 510 million Buddhists in the world

The Inauguration Ceremony of the Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism and the Fifth Buddhist Summit were held in Hyogo, Japan in November 2008. And now, the number of the Buddhists in the world has reached 510 million according to the Britannica Book of the Year. Such a dramatic development owes to the great effort toward the propagation of Buddhism by the supreme Buddhist leaders in the world who shared the table of Buddhist Summit with lively discussions as well as the devout Buddhists working with them. Also, people in the world must have finally been awakened to the fact that only Buddhism, the teachings of Lord Buddha, can realize the ideal of mankind to attain world peace and serenity for humanity.

【 Chief Guest of Honor 】 The Kingdom of Cambodia
H.M. King Norodom Sihamoni

H.M. King Norodom Sihamoni came all the way to Japan only to attend the Sixth Buddhist Summit with His Majesty's royal entourage including H.R.H. Princesses Norodom Buppha Devi and H.R.H. Princess Norodom Arunrasmy, the elder sister and younger sister of His Majesty.

Supreme Buddhist leaders of 41 countries
across the 5 continents in the world

The supreme Buddhist leaders of Theravada, Vajrayana and Mahayana Buddhism assembled in one hall, overcoming differences in their traditions and nationalities, and promised each other to propagate Buddhism throughout the world.

Royal Family Members, National Leaders, and Cultural Figures

More than 500 participants were present including the supreme Buddhist leaders, Their Majesties, Heads of State, Royal Families, national leaders, and cultural figures from 41 countries across the 5 continents in the world.

Ambassadors from 22 countries to Japan

Ambassadors from 22 countries to Japan agreed with the ideal of Buddhist Summit, the realization of world peace and serenity for humanity. The supreme Buddhist leaders from 41 countries and the ambassadors joined this grand-scale procession and walked on the Approach of the Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism under the colorful canopies.

Supreme Buddhist leaders of 41 countries across the 5 continents in the world

The supreme Buddhist leaders of Theravada, Vajrayana and Mahayana Buddhism assembled in one hall, overcoming differences in their traditions and nationalities, and promised each other to propagate Buddhism throughout the world.

Under the radiant sun, the Buddhist flag, the UN flag, the EU flag, and the national flags are flapping in the wind.