The First Buddhist Summit
World Buddhist Supreme Conference
April 4 - 8, 1998 〔Kyoto, JAPAN〕
The three major Buddhist traditions joined hands by reverting to the original teachings of Lord Buddha and overcoming the barriers of countries and denominations.
[ Host ] Maha Bodhi Society of India [ Venue ] Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan [ Participants ] 13 countries and 1 region
The First Buddhist Summit was held in April 1998 in Kyoto. Supreme Buddhist leaders of 13 countries and 1 region, including H.H. Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, and H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, came to meet in one hall.
H.H. Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara,
the Supreme Patriarch
of Thailand